Friday, December 2, 2011

Whats stopping Handball from taking off in America?

I know most Americans dont even know this sport exist, but It is perfect for American Athletes. Americans grow up with sports that involve your hands Basketball,Baseball, football... and Handball ovbiously uses your hands. The sport is highly athletic and it is exciting.|||other sports like baseball football and basketball|||It is a hard sport. Can hurt your hands. Can you imagine catching a baseball ball without a glove? Now try that hundred of times? Comparing a handball court with a tennis one, you can seat half the number of spectators. Building the wall is more expensive than a diamond or tennis court.

I still think it is a wonderfull sport and should be practiced more.|||Probably because schools stopped building handball courts. My elementary school, junior high and senior high all had handball courts. Most schools in my county also had courts. We played it all the time back in the 70's and the 80's at my gym/racquetball courts. Maybe racquetball just became a little more popular. Handball was cheap!|||Handball is hard to learn and the hands will hurt for several weeks after starting therefore most people wimp out and play racketball.|||because ppl would rather watch sausage safari then play a gay sport

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